Reading-based Lamport Gilbert provides print solutions to businesses around the UK specialising in the charities market. The company has made a conscious policy decision to ensure that care of the environment is a key consideration in all of its work practices, processes and methods of operation. Driven by Peter Smith, Group MD, and the Directors and Managers, the company has a dedicated 'Environmental Team' which is constantly reviewing its processes and procedures in order to improve the environmental policy.
In order to measure and examine the impact of its activities, Lamport looked to the Carbon Trust to provide a carbon survey which highlighted where it could eliminate or reduce the carbon emissions released into the environment, as well as to reduce its energy spend. On the Carbon Trust’s recommendation, Lamport Gilbert made the following energy management improvements:
To install Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) lighting across the factory and office to avoid unnecessary electricity use.
To replace inefficient fluorescent bulbs with efficient T5 adapters.
To set software controls on office PC's and laptops to hibernate machines left idle.
To run an internal awareness campaign to encourage staff to switch off lighting and PCs when not in use.
To conduct an electricity audit to pinpoint and reduce energy demand during expensive peaks, thereby enabling placing the factory in a more cost-effective energy band with their supplier.
To introduce an environmental procurement strategy, which resulted in the purchase of a press, requiring approximately 50 per cent less power than an alternative machine.
Resulting environmental achievements include:
Reduction of annual energy costs in the Reading site by between £8,000 to £10,000 since the Carbon Trust survey in March 2008.
An annual energy reduction of between 14 per cent and 17 per cent.
Saving 26 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which translates to a reduction of approximately 10% on the company’s carbon footprint.
Reducing levels of Isopropanol (IPA) across both sites and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions, with a long term plan to eliminate the use of IPA altogether within its printing processes.
Using environmentally-friendly vegetable-based inks and water-based coatings.
Reducing landfill by 70% by improving dry waste streams, and the recycling of paper, printing plates, ink cartridges, pallets and plastic.
Cutting water use on the plate setter by 50%.
Purchasing two LPG vehicles across the group to minimise transport emissions.