Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Green Energy

As part of our drive towards a low carbon output and in line with EMAS environmental standards, Lamport Gilbert are to take energy from a sustainable source as of 1st November 2009. This will help us to ensure that as a company we continue to improve Lamport Gilbert’s environmental credentials keeping us a leader in ethical printing.

From 1st November 2009 Lamport Gilbert will be changing its electricity supply over to N Power they have agreed to supply us with 'Green Energy'

This is energy generated from a “Renewable Source”
• Wind(on-shore and off-shore)
• Hydro
• Co-firing of biomass
• Landfill gas
• Sewage gas
• Energy from waste
• Solar
• Tidal
• Wave
• Geothermal
• Energy crops
or such other sources of electricity generation as may, from time to time, be awarded renewable status by the Authority;

What percentage renewable energy sources are used to supply Lamport Gilbert.
Wind 60.7%
Biomass and Fossil Fuel 5.2%
Biomass 6.2%
Hydro 9.2%
Landfill Gas 16.7%
Sewage Gas 1.9%

Lamport Gilbert will be issued with a CCL Exempt Certificate. (certification that electricity is generated from a Renewable Source.)

What is the Climate Change Levy (CCL)?
The CCL is an environmental tax imposed, at the time of supply, on non-domestic consumers, with offsetting cuts in employers' National Insurance Contributions. It was introduced in April 2001.

Why do we have CCL?
In 1997, at the Kyoto Summit on Climate Change, the EU signed an agreement to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 8% on 1990 levels by the year 2012. The UK government agreed to reduce emissions by 12.5% on 1990 levels by 2012. CCL aims to promote energy efficiency within businesses.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

New Era for Lamport Gilbert

Change is the order of the day, in all sectors we are seeing the way we work and the technology we employ changing at a rapid rate and the challenge for all business's is to somehow keep up with the demands this make on our resources and and on our ability to think strategically while coping with the day to day demands of keeping the business going.
Nowhere is the technology changing quicker than in the print industry,and the demands made by our clients for lower cost, quicker response times, higher standards of colour control and all delivered within an environmentally sustainable way are extreme.
However, the Lamport Gilbert team are stepping up to the mark, already one of the leading lights in delivering printed products within an environmentally sound way we are now widening our offering to include Graphic Design, Web and Digital Design,Logistics and Mailing, Point of Sale and more services to follow in the near future.
This change of emphasis means we are now bringing our management expertise to the field of Digital Marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?
For the first time business's will be able to plan a communication strategy and then see one company deliver that strategy for them, competitively and in an environmentally sound way. Sounds Interesting??
The key to this is based on the fundamentals of the way Lamport Gilbert have worked for the 110 plus years its been in business, that is, partnership with its clients, and partnership only works if both sides can see the real Added Value and commit themselves to it.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Royal opening highlights historic working partnership

A successful 60-year business link between working partners in Reading and London will be symbolically reaffirmed by the opening of a new £2 million St. John Ambulance distribution centre in Peterborough by HRH The Princess Royal on July 16.

It was fitting that Thames Valley printing company Lamport Gilbert was one of the first to congratulate St. John Ambulance on completion of its new purpose-built national distribution centre in Peterborough – Lamport Gilbert has been working with St. John Ambulance Supplies since the middle of the last century.

The Reading-based firm has grown and developed with the St. John Ambulance Supplies network, which now provides state-of-the art worldwide distribution of its 6,000-plus products. Lamport Gilbert prints the majority of St. John Ambulance product, training and service support documentation.

St. John Ambulance Supplies also entrusts Lamport Gilbert with the storage and supply of more than 70-tonnes of their various printed materials – held in an online stock-order system Lamport Gilbert devised especially for them.

“As long-time working partners we are delighted to congratulate St. John Ambulance Supplies on relocating its London and regional warehousing to its new single-site product distribution centre in Peterborough,” said Charles Day, sales director of Lamport Gilbert.

“It will be wonderful for St. John Ambulance Supplies to get its entire product stock in one location, since this can only benefit efficiency and performance for its suppliers and international customers alike.

“We like to think that St. John Ambulance Supplies has also benefited over the past 60 years by getting its entire printing requirements from one location!”

Account manager Bob Sym will represent Lamport Gilbert at the distribution centre official opening by HRH The Princess Royal, Commandant in Chief of St John Ambulance, the UK's leading First Aid charity. Bob has been handling the needs of St. John Ambulance Supplies for the past 27 years.

“Our relationship with Lamport Gilbert is based on a professional trust created through their long-term continuity of performance, quality and value,“ explained Stephen English, general manager of St. John Supplies. “Throughout the years Lamport Gilbert has taken as much care with our printing jobs as we would an injured person.”

Lamport Gilbert is one of the few printers in the country working to the environmental management standard ISO 14001, and will no doubt be a supportive ‘old-friend’ as St. John Ambulance Supplies progresses towards the achievement of its own ISO 14001 environmental accreditation status and future sustainability plans.

Enduring links and heritage go hand in hand for the two organisations. Lamport Gilbert, one of the Thames Valley’s oldest printing firms, proudly celebrated its own centenary with the turn of the millennium. St. John Ambulance is slightly older, having a long and detailed history dating back over 900 years to “The Crusades”

Monday, 8 June 2009

Lamport Gilbert and The Carbon Trust

Reading-based Lamport Gilbert provides print solutions to businesses around the UK specialising in the charities market. The company has made a conscious policy decision to ensure that care of the environment is a key consideration in all of its work practices, processes and methods of operation. Driven by Peter Smith, Group MD, and the Directors and Managers, the company has a dedicated 'Environmental Team' which is constantly reviewing its processes and procedures in order to improve the environmental policy.
In order to measure and examine the impact of its activities, Lamport looked to the Carbon Trust to provide a carbon survey which highlighted where it could eliminate or reduce the carbon emissions released into the environment, as well as to reduce its energy spend. On the Carbon Trust’s recommendation, Lamport Gilbert made the following energy management improvements:
To install Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) lighting across the factory and office to avoid unnecessary electricity use.
To replace inefficient fluorescent bulbs with efficient T5 adapters.
To set software controls on office PC's and laptops to hibernate machines left idle.
To run an internal awareness campaign to encourage staff to switch off lighting and PCs when not in use.
To conduct an electricity audit to pinpoint and reduce energy demand during expensive peaks, thereby enabling placing the factory in a more cost-effective energy band with their supplier.
To introduce an environmental procurement strategy, which resulted in the purchase of a press, requiring approximately 50 per cent less power than an alternative machine.
Resulting environmental achievements include:

Reduction of annual energy costs in the Reading site by between £8,000 to £10,000 since the Carbon Trust survey in March 2008.
An annual energy reduction of between 14 per cent and 17 per cent.
Saving 26 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which translates to a reduction of approximately 10% on the company’s carbon footprint.
Reducing levels of Isopropanol (IPA) across both sites and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions, with a long term plan to eliminate the use of IPA altogether within its printing processes.
Using environmentally-friendly vegetable-based inks and water-based coatings.
Reducing landfill by 70% by improving dry waste streams, and the recycling of paper, printing plates, ink cartridges, pallets and plastic.
Cutting water use on the plate setter by 50%.
Purchasing two LPG vehicles across the group to minimise transport emissions.