Friday, 29 August 2008

Colour Management

A complete colour management solution is now in place across our sister companies.

We have been working with Heidelberg Graphic Equipment Ltd within their Axis colour control software.

Our aim is to cross calibrate colour standards, between the pre press department and the printing press. This will give a standardised product that can be monitored on line, to a recognised ISO standard.

This ensures and enables a number of key functions

- Axis colour control has been installed on both CD presses. This gives us the ability to scan running sheets to ensure colour consistency from the beginning to the end of the print run.

- Axis colour control is profiled to the ISO 12647-2 industry Print Colour Standard. This is the industry recognised colour standard.

- CIP3 information is sent to both printing presses containing ink usage and duct settings for faster make readies. This results in faster colour correctness and reduced waste paper coming off the presses, at the set up stage.

- Dot gain curves on both CTP output devices enable us to produce plates on either site to conform to the ISO 12647-2 dot gain tolerances on press.

- ICC Colour profiles on both the Lamport Gilbert and Blackmore proofing devices, provide consistent press match proofs across the group.

- Monitor calibration in place to give press likeness on screen

Friday, 1 August 2008

Point of Sale Gathering

A recent visitor to Lamport Gilbert was asking about the production of "Point of Sale" material.
We were able to show him a range of items we have produced for a wide range of customers, and while we had them all in one place we took this photograph.

Our experience in handling this sort of work goes across many companies and sectors, including forecourt, Pubs and Restaurants.

Our creative team work very closely with the client and ensure the item not only works in creative terms but the phsyical size is suitable for its environment and the materials suit the location its to appear in.

A New Generation....

The next generation of delivery vehicles have just arrived at Lamport Gilbert.
Running on LPG, our new vehicles will reduce the carbon emmissions of delivering printed material to our clients, and further enhance our already impressive environmental credentials.
In addition the clean looking livery will draw attention on the highways and by-ways of Berkshire - but if your stuck behind it in a traffic jam at least you know your not getting a nose full of noxious fumes!
Why choose LPG? for a start the noise from LPG fueled diesel engines is quieter than from a diesel fueled unit keeping noise pollution to a minimum.
A fuel spill will evaporate quickly - so no risk of ground or water contamination - the same can't be said for diesel or petrol.
LPG vehicles emit 20% less carbon dioxide, less Nitric Oxide and 120 times less of fine particulates. (According to European research)
LPG is also cheaper currently than diesel - so our clients and the environment win all round.
Few printers are as advanced as Lamport Gilbert in reviewing their business and preparing it via carbon reduction for the challenges of the coming decade, which means our clients, and their customers see the benefits.
By the way the vehicle livery was designed by our in-house team - well done guys!