We run regular “Print Appreciation” courses, delivered by our senior account manager Bob Sym who has worked with charities for many years, assisted by specialists from throughout the business.
We deliver in 1 day a practical understanding of Graphic Design, Pre-press, papers, impositions, artwork preparation, proof–reading, printing (including colour management) and binding.
It always happen thaton these days we learn more about how charities operate and plan for the future, and its always fascinating the detail that they think through and then deliver to people throughout the world.
We recently had such a day at our Reading plant when three people from St John Ambulance joined us, it was hard work but we had some fun as well so I hope they went away thinking it was a worthwhile use of their time, we certainly thought our time was well spent.
Bob or I would always be pleased to hear from any UK charity that would be interested in talking to us and perhaps joining us in a day where we can all learn from one another, look forward to hearing from you.
If you are a regular reader of “Third Sector” magazine then you may have seen our advert in the Directory section, we know a lot of people in the sector read this mag if for no other reason than the jobs section, next time you read it take a second to look us up and maybe call Bob Sym or myself if you think we can help.